- Monday, Apr 19, 2021, 7:30 - 8:30pm
Event Details
The Percussion Ensembles are both a traditional concert ensemble that studies classic and contemporary literature, as well as transcriptions of standard, jazz and popular styles and often present new percussion performance practices in a contemporary medium through the use of electronically triggered devices and theatrical lighting and staging. This combination of elements unites aural and visual entertainment with a uniquely creative twist. Virtually any surface becomes the canvas from which performers paint aural images.
Chris Moore is director of Athletic Bands and coordinator of undergraduate music degrees at Georgia Tech. He is lead administrator for all operations for the Marching Band and Basketball Pep Bands and oversees all aspects of the Bachelor of Science in Music Technology degree. An in-demand music educator, performer, producer and creator, he has worked with the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Band and artists such as Wynton Marsalis, Keith Urban and Young Guru. Moore is also currently director of the Spirit of Atlanta Drum and Bugle Corps. Moore holds degrees from Jacksonville State University and East Carolina University.