- Saturday, Apr 17, 2021, 7:30 - 9pm
Event Details
Three bands under the direction of Nat Condit-Schultz will play a variety of modern and classic rock music. Featured covers include songs by Metallica, Pantera, Imogen Heap, John Mayer, and Down the Line. Each band will perform original music as well.
Nat Condit-Schultz, Visiting Assistant Professor, completed a MA in music composition at the University of California, Santa Cruz, where he studied classical guitar, recording engineering, and computer music composition with David Cope and Larry Polansky, and a PhD in Music Theory from Ohio State University, where he studied music cognition and empirical musicology with David Huron. Nat manages the School of Music recording studios and teaches our classes in recording engineering and music production, and conducts research in GATech's Computational and Cognitive Musicology Lab.